Welcome! Here we begin the site tour.
The AMD&ART Park is situated on thirty-five acres of mine-scarred land, once the Vinton Colliery, but abandoned and unused when AMD&ART first looked at the site in 1994. Other than the Ghost Town Trail and its 80,000 annual visitors, the site was a vacant plain of black bony and scrub growth. Today, the eastern section is the Acid Mine Drainage Treatment system and Litmus Garden, easily distinguished by the series of treatment cells or ponds. The western portion of the site is the History Wetlands, once the colliery site whose foundations still remain, now a rich wetlands habitat. The lower section of the site, nearest the town, is the active Recreation Area still under development by the Borough of Vintondale. AMD&ART completed the access road, the fields and a pavilion, but the Borough Council hopes to bring electricity and much more to this new community asset. Our Education Center, the old Hungarian Reformed Church, is the building closest to the western entry of the AMD&ART Park.
The entire site, including this site plan, is a work of collaboration between the arts and the sciences. The site also includes three individual installations, again created by collaborative effort. The Mine No. 6 Portal addresses the underground work of generations, the Great Map just across the Trail from the Portal addresses more of the community's history, and the Clean Slate Project celebrates the return of clean water to the River.
In each part of the Site Tour that follows you will find short descriptions of that particular place and its function, as well as a link to every source of funding that AMD&ART engaged to complete that portion of the site. We hope making all these grants available brings new perspectives and new approaches to other sites in coal country and beyond.
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